ED&F Man Espana S.A. offers a range of products to feed manufactures including molasses blends and sugar beet pulp pellets. We also work closely with our partner business Iberliquidos to offer the Sugar Plus liquid feed range to farms.
Supplying a range of high-performance liquid feeds for on farm feeding
Supplying a range of molasses based liquid products for feed manufacture, fermentation, biogas and on farm use. The leading supplier of advanced liquid feeds under the Sugar Plus brand
ED&F Man Liquid Products Ireland offer a range of cane molasses based liquid products for animal feed production, on farm feeding and biogas production as well as offering 3rd party bulk liquid storage
Trading as Westway Feeds and supplying a range of molasses based blends for feed manufacture and on farm feeding as well as organic options
Supplying molasses blends to the feed manufacture industry and a range of liquid feeds for on farm use
What we do EDF MAN Portugal was founded in 2002 [...]
Supplying cane and beet molasses to the animal feed and fermentation industries
Spain’s leading supplier of molasses based liquid feeds for on farm feeding under the Sugar Plus brand