ED&F Man Liquid Products Italia S.R.L.
Supplying a range of molasses based liquid products for feed manufacture, fermentation, biogas and on farm use. The leading supplier of advanced liquid feeds under the Sugar Plus brand and molasses based fertilisers.
Molasses Supply/Feed Manufacture: https://edfman.it/en
On Farm feeding/liquid feeds: https://sugarplus.it
Fertiliser: https://edfman.it/en/products/#fertilizers
- We are the leading supplier of liquid products and we offer you winning solutions.
- We offer a wide range of products dedicated to the sectors: animal feed, agriculture, feed mills, molasses, bioenergy.
- We have a tanks park and logistics that will help you in depositing and distributing your products.

Office Address
ED&F Man Liquid Products Italia S.R.L.
Viale Aldo Moro 64, Torre 1
40127 Bologna
Tel.: +39 051 277011
Email: [nothing to show here]